Intro: Facility exemplifies Lincoln Electric’s commitment to advancing welding education.
The Lincoln Electric Welding Technology & Training Center – built on the company’s 100 year legacy of welding education, is equipped to accommodate students, tradesmen and management-level personnel at every segment of the education curve.
The Lincoln Electric Welding Technology & Training Center (WTTC) is a 130,000-square-foot, state-of-the art facility on our Euclid, Ohio campus that is dedicated to training educators, industry leaders and skilled trade workers in the craft and science of welding. As an internationally recognized foundation for the development of best practices in welding education, the WTTC features 166 welding and cutting booths, a virtual reality training lab, a 100-seat auditorium and extensive seminar and welding classroom space to advance technical skills.
The curriculum and programs are designed to meet the needs of industry by addressing every segment of the skills and knowledge spectrum – from basic welding and teaching concepts up through the latest in advanced manufacturing technologies.
The Center is an internationally recognized foundation for the development of best practices in welding education, which is shared with welding educators at every level.
Knowledge for All
In simplest terms, the Welding Technology & Training Center is committed to the transfer of knowledge to anyone with a desire to learn the welding trade. As a globally recognized citadel of welding and welding education, WTTC has a laboratory and R&D center as much as a school in the traditional sense. New products and curriculum have been designed aiming at providing the optimal education experience. The instructors bring to the table a level of expertise that’s unparalleled in the welding industry. Nearly all of them have extensive background in some combination of manufacturing, design, engineering, motorsports, materials science and more.
The curriculum is designed for every education level: career pathways, high school, community college, traditional college, career development, senior management level and beyond.

Lincoln Electric Welding Technology and Training   Center

The WTTC Offers Multiple Opportunities to:

  • Work with highly trained and qualified welding instructors who are committed to your success
  • Learn and practice welding in a safe working environment
  • Earn a Lincoln Electric Welding School graduate certificate
  • Network with other students and professionals in the welding industry
  • Improve your chances for landing a financially rewarding and personally satisfying job as a welder

A Customized Training Program 

We can customize a training program to help you expand your team’s know-how and overall performance.
Examples of custom programs include, but are not limited to:

  • Training in preparation for welding certification exams (AWS, ASME, API, ABS and more).
  • Training to enhance knowledge of the skill and science of welding.
  • Training designed to master a new welding process.
  • Training on advanced equipment, application waveforms or production monitoring.
  • Training for maintenance teams on industry or plant-specific materials and applications.

Curriculum & Technology

The Welding Technology & Training Center uses curriculum and education technology developed by Lincoln Electric to maximize the learning experience in a way that’s hands-on and comprehensive, yet cost-effective at the same time.
» Our U/LINC® LMS system connects educators with carefully targeted curriculum that taps into Lincoln Electric’s vast reserve of experience, expertise and industry based knowledge.
» VRTEX® virtual reality training systems takes students from the most basic elements of welding safety and technique to a far more advanced and comprehensive approach that can be blended with actual welding exercises in the booth.
» REALWELD® technology enables students to practice stick, MIG and flux-cored arc welding with the help of audio coaching and performance tracking on multiple parameters.
Facts at a Glance
Programs for every student, career level and partner type: Students/Instructors and Customers

  • SMAW
  • GTAW
  • GMAW
  • FCAW
  • ASME and API Pipe
  • AWS CWI preparation


  • VRTEX®
  • Robotic Automation School

Professional Development

  • Blodgett’s Welding Design Seminars
  • Educators beyond the Booth Seminars
  • Welding Educator’s Workshop
  • Training for Welding Aluminum Alloys
  • Automated Plasma Cutting Technology seminars
  • Teacher/Observer Opportunities

Distributor Training

  • Domestic Distributor Training
  • Advanced Welding Trainers Distributor class
  • International Distributor Training
  • Service Shop Training

Educational programming is also available for youth organizations, motorsports personnel, regional needs and other industry subgroups.
The Lincoln Electric Welding Technology & Training Center teaches far more than just traditional welding. You’ll come away with a comprehensive understanding of the various technologies that Lincoln Electric has applied to expand the potential of the trade. These include robotic welding and automation; CNC plasma cutting; and Lincoln Electric’s waveform technology, which has become an integral part of advanced manufacturing operations throughout Lincoln Electric’s broad and global customer base.
For More Details
The Lincoln Electric Welding Technology Center
22800 St. Clair Avenue,
Cleveland, OH 44117 USA
Tel: +1 216-383-2259