Panasonic Welding Systems India


Panasonic Welding Systems India attracts the most attention during 8th CII Global Summit on Skill Development 2018 on 22-23 November 2018 at Lucknow
 23 November 2018 ,Lucknow– CII organized an event “8th Global Skill Summit on Skill Development 2018 “ at Lucknow on 22-23 November 2018.
Mr. Dinesh Sharma ,Dy. Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh inaugurated this event on 22 November 2018.
Panasonic Welding Systems India (PWSI) participated as a Silver sponsor in this event and demonstrated latest welding technology in Robotic Arc Welding. PWSI stall was the focus of attention in this event. More than 500 visitors from Industry and Training institutes visited PWSI stall.
It was interesting for all the visitors to see that PWSI Arc welding robot handed over “Rose flower” to Mr. Dinesh Sharma.
Robots are a great way to achieve Arc welding tasks. They can help us to tackle the skills shortage as well as improve productivity, quality, efficiency and more.
There were 4 enquiries from Training institutes those who wanted to implement Robotic welding training set up. And there were 10 enquiries from Industries those who wanted to implement Robotic welding set up to overcome shortage of skilled welders and improve weld quality so that they can also be in a position to export their products.
Importance of Welding
 Welders build the world we live in. Welding has a great impact on all of us . American Welding Society President David McQuaid explains the same as follows –
“Welding is an essential part of everyday life. From cars to high rise buildings ,airplanes to rockets ,pipelines to highways ,none of it would be possible without welding”
 A country’s economic growth critically depends on welding activity. Let us list down few important application of welding as follows –

  • Automobiles
  • Locomotives (automobile frames, brackets, engine, front and rear hoods, under frame etc),
  • Bridges
  • Building
  • Pressure vessels and tanks
  • Storage tanks
  • Piping and pipelines
  • Ships
  • Trucks and trailers
  • Machine tool frame
  • Cutting tools and dies
  • Earth moving equipment and cranes etc.

 Welding Technology enhancement vital for sustaining India’s economic growth
 Steel is the foundation of progress. Currently (2017) India’s per capita consumption of steel is 65.2 Kg ,which is expected to increase to 200 Kg by 2030 (as per National Steel Policy NSP 2017)
India’s population is expected to grow to 1.5 Billion in 2030.
So, total expected consumption of Steel in 2030  to be 200 Kg x 1.5 Billion population = 300 Million tonnes.
 Year 2017-Actual
Steel produced : 101.4 Million Tonnes
No. of welders : 2,50,000 approx.
Year 2030 –Estimate
Steel produced :300 Million Tonnes
No. of welders : 7,70,000
There is going to be required 5,20,000 welders in 13 years .
It is almost impossible to generate 5,20,000 welders in 13 years as our all ITI’s can maximum generate around 30,000 welders per year . Thus it is necessary to implement automation in Arc welding .
Like Steel is the foundation of progress , Welding technology is the foundation of Steel usage.
Some interesting figures about Steel production and consumption around the world

Million tonnes, CrudeSteel Production 2017
Ranking Country Tonnage Percent
1 China 831.7 49%
2 Japan 104.7 6%
3 India 101.4 6%
4 United States 81.6 5%
5 Russia 71.3 4%
6 South Korea 71.0 4%
7 Germany 43.4 3%
8 Turkey 37.5 2%
9 Brazil 34.4 2%
10 Italy 24.1 1%
Others 288.3 17%
Total world 1689.4 100%
  • China produces almost 50% of global production
  • India is expected to overtake Japan to become the world’s second largest steel producer soon. The National Steel Policy, 2017, has envisaged 300 million tonnes of production capacity by 2030.
Finished steel use per capita – Major developed countries
Rank Country name Kilogram
1 South Korea 1106.3
2 Czech Republic 663.3
3 Germany 508.5
4 Japan 505.5
5 Austria 460.8
6 Canada 453.4
7 Sweden 416.3
8 Italy 413.1
9 Belgium 378.9
10 Luxembourg 378.9
11 Poland 354.1
12 United States 301.2
13 Spain 293.0
14 Netherlands 259.6
15 France 205.3
16 United Kingdom 163.1
Finished steel use per capita – Major developing countries (Newly industrialized countries
Rank Country name Kilogram
1 China 522.8
2 Russia 282.1
3 Mexico 204.4
4 Brazil 91.6
5 South Africa 82.3
6 India 65.2

Huge scope for growth is offered by India’s comparatively low per capita steel consumption and the expected rise in consumption due to

  • increased infrastructure construction and
  • the thriving automobile and railways sectors.

Welding is a key manufacturing process for

  • Infrastructure construction
  • Automobile and
  • Railway sectors

Benefits of automating the Welding Process with Arc Welding Robot

  1. Increase in productivity
  2. Repeatability
  3. Safety
  4. Quality
  5. Overcoming Labour shortage
  6. Reduce consumption of consumables
  7. Reduce production cost
  8. Reduce weld distortion
  9. Increased competitive advantage

PWSI working with many NPO’s and Govt Organizations to enhance skill level and upgrade technology of metal fabrication in India
PWSI has been working with following NPO’s and Govt. organizations and trained already more than 1500 nos. welding personnel under Training of Trainers (ToT) scheme –

  1. Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), India
  2. Ministry of Economy ,Trade and Industry (METI) ,Japan
  3. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan
  4. Joining and Welding Research Institute (JWRI) ,Osaka University , Japan
  5. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay ,India
  6. Japan Welding Engineering Society (JWES) ,Japan
  7. Indian Institute of Welding (IIW), India
  8. Indian Welding Society (IWS), India
  9. Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), India

About Panasonic
Panasonic Corporation is a worldwide leader in the development of diverse electronics technologies and solutions for customers in the consumer electronics, housing, automotive, enterprise solutions and device industries. Since its founding in 1918, the company has expanded globally and now operates 468 subsidiaries and 94 associated companies worldwide, recording consolidated net sales of 7.715 trillion yen for the year ended March 31, 2015.
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About Panasonic India           
Panasonic makes available in India its wide range of consumer electronics products and  systemsolutions.
Panasonic Welding Systems India is a part of Panasonic India ,involved in manufacturing and making available, the latest technology arc welding machines and robot in India.
For more information on the company and the Panasonic brand in India, please visit