Home D&H Scheron CROMOTHERME-23




    CROMOTHERME-23 (AWS Code: SFA 5.5 E9015-B23) is meant for the SMAW process with a focus on the Power plantsas its main application.Cromotherme-23 is a basic coated, low hydrogen type electrode depositing a weld metal of having less impurities i.e. S, P will improve the impact property at subzero temperatures. It is ideally suited for welding of creep resisting steels of similar composition. The weld deposit has excellent creep resistance at service temperatures up to 550°C. Typical applications include welding of P23 steels wherever prolonged heat treatment cycles are involved. This product is know for its Ideal for SC & USC boiler materials like P23 steel wherever prolonged heat treatment cycles are involved. It is used by companies like NTPC, BHEL, L&T Power.


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