V.S. Galgali


Vijay Shrinivas Galgali
Senior General Manager(Welding)
Email Id : galgalivijay@gmail.com
Contact no : 919766643435/020-26960023


The rapid industrialization in Engineering and Fabrication, especially in the fields of Nuclear,
Defence, Space, Hydrothermal projects, Heat exchangers, Bridges, Pharmaceutical projects etc
call for completion of projects in stipulated time limit. This shall not happen automatically unless
’FIRST TIME RIGHT’ work culture is followed in all the preplanned activities of a project. The
latter is feasible when someone/concerned analyses the critical path/activities of project in
advance for fruitful actions. He even can absorb failures and take corrective actions before
reaching the milestone activity barchart.Industries involved in prototype jobs standardizes the
activities from start to finish in serial manner. But this is not the case for industries involved in
manufacturing variety/mixup of jobs. The actions involved vary in terms of methods of
manufacture and requires input to personal involved in each of the activities. This seminar is
intended for ’Welding’ and hence’ Training and Education in Welding’ shall be covered in
foregoing paragraph. The title of this paper ’TRAINING AND EDUCATION IN WELDING’
covers for Welding engineers and welders. The paper is divided into 3 chapters.
Chapter-I deals with Introduction covering the importance of Training and Education.
Chapter-II deals with facets in Welding, mentioning in which direction Training and Education
are required to be inducted.
Based on above, conclusions are drawn in Chapter-III

Key Words: First time Right, Critical path,Statistical Quality Assurance,Zero defect,
3M’s(Men-Machine-Materials),Hands on experience.
Chapter-I Introduction
The words Training and Education’ sounds simple when we hear. In practical sense, when we
apply, it is more complex. The contents of Training and Education vary from one sector to
another sector, depending on the work culture and output desired. There is no end for training
since improvement can be thought in each every activity being performed. This is also true from
the fact that new invention done in materials by our CSIR laboratories, Government and private
institutions needs us to develop newer routes and methodologies, to arrive at the final product.
Training and Education is not restricted to any type of person. The results of Training are
reflected in terms of productivity, cash flow, and finally in the growth of organization. In
industries ’Human Resource Development’(HRD) arranges Training program me after selecting
subject and personnel, through department Head. Even senior officers of the company meet
twice or thrice a year to review company financial results. They suggest for necessary
improvements/diversification of products/to increase the volume of business/profitability etc.
Self citing an example as to how Training and Education helped us to improve ‘Productivity in
‘In all 4 HEX(Heat Exchangers) were to be fabricated. In each HEX, there were 650 nos U bent
S.S tube of 1mm thick, 12.76 m O.D. The requirement of Mean Leak Path(MLP) being 1.25mm
with minimum 2 passes and only heat tint was permitted on I.D of tube. The Statistical Quality
Assurance(SQA) consisting of Welding 5 tube welds before and after shift was done to ensure
3M’s(Men-Machine-Materils) are satisfactory. After completion of 4 HEX(welding of 5200
joints), only 4 tubes were blocked. This speaks of the highest quality achieved and job went
without any repairs(zero defect) meeting time schedule. Thus, Training and Education’ coupled
with good human relationship between welders and Welding engineers helped us to achieve such
a gigantic goal/target.
The input to the welders are provided through welding engineer which mean that Welding
Engineer must have sufficient’Hands on Experience’ in Welding knowledge. The quality and
quantity of output derived depends directly on Welding Engineer. Hence in the next chapter we
shall compile the information required for both welders and Welding Engineer in chronological
manner for satisfactory output
Chapter-II-Facets in Welding
We need to understand difference between Training and Education. Training sets the path, so as
to achieve the results, whereas Education provides us the basic knowledge of Training. In India,
Training and Education is not taken seriously, as required and desired. Fresh graduates coming
out of college/Universities are raw hands. Hence we need to mould them to shop floor work by
providing Training and Education as we desire. Training and Education does not differentiate for
quality and non quality jobs. Whatever is required for the job is to be assessed in advance and
needs to be implemented.
Being a Welding seminar, we shall concentrate Training and Education for Welding engineers
and Welders only. It is advisable for design Engineer also to have hands on experience in shop
Welding .This shall definitely help us to minimize the mistakes in Fabrication drawings and thus
improving productivity.
As on date, we have numerous Fabrication cods such as ASME,IBR,IS-2825,DIN,AD Merk
Blatter, etc…For our purpose we shall take the help of ASME SEC-VIII, Div-I, since many of us
are aware of this code.
The salient features in which Training and Education are to be parted, are depicted in TableI.Tick mark indicates Training and Education to be provided for the concerned
variable.Remarks column furnishes the points to be covered under variable.
Table-I Showing road map for Training and Education for Welding Engineers and Welders.

From the above it is clear that:
 Welding Engineers work commences from the quotation stage till the job is dispatched.
 If Training and Education is also provided in the fields and Tooling, Forming,Bending,
N.D.T and DT etc.. areas, definitely it shall help in boosting productivity.
 Training ad Education’ in Welding is a tool for management to increase GDP(Gross
Domestic Product).
 Repair % less than 2. Boosts weld productivity.
 Helps to improve socio-economic conditions of the personnel.
 There exist healthier competition between industry to industry thereby decreasing time
cycle,cost, improvement in design of the product, and increasing productivity.