“We installed Liquid Medical Oxygen tanks in more than 250+ hospitals all over India and our Parent Company supplied liquid medical oxygen to more than 1000+ hospitals.”


Mr. Deepak Acharya,
CEO – INOX India Pvt. Ltd.
As the company is the largest manufacturer of Cryogenic liquid storage and transport tanks in India. Can you please distribute us more on manufacturing of these tanks? What is the maximum manufacturing capacity? During the covid situation, how much of tanks have you been able to manufacture?
INOX India manufactures cryogenic vessels which are essentially double-walled vessels with inner vessel of stainless steel 304/304L and outer vessel is carbon steel. The inter space is filled with insulation material either with perlite or MLSI. And vacuum is created in interspace area. The cryogenic liquids are stored in inner vessel which are suitable for LIN/LOX/LAR and can withstand impact at minus 1960C.
At INOX India most of the welding processes are autotomized for long seam and C seam welding.
Our Storage and Transport tanks capacity including Kalol and Kandla facility is more than 100 units per month from 4KL to 60KL vessels.
As our products were categorised as Essential Products for hospitals and Pharma Industries, we received special permission from Central and State Government to run our factory 24 x 7. We have supplied oxygen tanks and associated accessories/equipment’s to more than 300+ hospitals all over India.
What type of welding processes are involved in tank / storage manufacturing? 
For manufacturing of Cryogenic vessels, we employ GTAW/GMAW/Plasma+/TIG and SAW process. Around 80% of welding is done by semi-atomatic column and boom and linear long seam equipment. These welded joints are 100% radiographed and also tested for any leak with the help of Helium leak testing.
Production Welding coupons are impact tested at minus 1960C to ensure toughness properties of material.
What quality checks do you consider in manufacturing of these tanks?
Quality is prime importance during manufacturing of cryogenic equipment. All our products have detailed inspection test plan which is witnessed by INOX QA/QC/welding engineers and are verified by competent third party inspection agency. Major inspection states are Material Identification, Long seam and C seam set-up, Radiography of all welding joints, Helium leak testing of inner vessel, and Hydro test of pressure vessel.
The company has managed to install maximum Liquid Medical Oxygen tanks across India? What challenges does the company face at this point and how do you manage to cope up with the same? Any incident you wish to share? 
INOX India with its Parent company’s support has supplied equipment’s to hospitals in more than 300+ hospitals and our parent company is supplying liquid oxygen to more than 800+ hospitals.
The biggest challenge was to supply entire equipment in very short duration and getting it erected and commissioned in less than a weeks’ time.
Getting these tanks erected in places like Mumbai and getting statutory approvals was a big challenge. However, our expert service team could manage it well and save thousands of lives.
Recently, INOX India with its parent company’s support could distribute liquid oxygen to majority of states in India by Oxygen Express and through Air-craft for fast delivery.
We all know that businesses across industries are bearing the brunt of the pandemic, how has it impacted your business growth?
A robust business model is the one which can recover from the aftermath of any crisis. In this coronavirus crisis, INOX has proved that its Business model is strong enough to face any challenge in the world. The Company, through its robust Business model, marketed its products to all hospitals, government agencies, NGOs and all stakeholders. Further, the parent Company of INOX INDIA (Inox Air Products Private Limited) supplied Liquid Medical Oxygen to the COVID Care Centres and Hospitals.
The factor which makes INOX stand out of the crowd includes the Company’s unique and high-end Cryogenic products. The Company holds the number one spot for the development of Cryogenic Equipment in India and is second-largest in the world.
With the help of knowledgeable team of professionals, INOX is dealing with the uncertainties arising in the Business. In the past, outstanding teamwork has proven that the Company can manage all sorts of uncertainties, ups and downs in business without losing focus on supporting and providing the customers with desirable support.

How is the company living up to its mission and purpose during the pandemic?
The motivation of workforce is crucial to the success of an organization. It’s the level of devotion, drive and enthusiasm that the employees of an organization bring to the job every day. Without it, businesses gets impacted negatively, resulting into decreased efficiency, lower production levels, and the organization is likely to fall short of achieving substantial targets as well. To keep the employees motivated during COVID-19 crisis, the Company, via frequent contact, inspired the workers and equipped them with all the requisite safety and hygiene facilities. Also, the employees were covered by a special insurance scheme.
The Company during the first week of COVID-19 crisis tried their best to manage the crisis by approaching the Ministry of Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) for Storage Equipment’s for Liquid Medical Oxygen to get a clearance and initiate the production at Kalol and Kandla (Gandhidham) facilities.
During this period, we installed Liquid Medical Oxygen tanks in more than 250+ hospitals all over India and our Parent Company supplied liquid medical oxygen to more than 1000+ hospitals.

 Please enlist the steps you took to minimize the risks to you company born out of the COVID pandemic.
To the extent possible manufacture all components by yourself. That means less dependence on outside vendors.
Keep sufficient stock of components for which there are very few suppliers worldwide.
Dependence on digital technology and advance manufacturing techniques which will require less number of persons.
Good financial control to ensure smooth operation under such critical condition.
What are your motivation strategies? How do you inspire your workforce amid the COVID-19 pandemic?
We motivated our employees by regular communication, providing them all necessary facilities for safety and hygiene.
Providing work from home facility to office staff and back-up staff.
We covered all employees under special insurance policy.
Provided food to workmen and their families and financial assistance wherever required.
We conducted regular health check-up and sanitization of transport vehicles as well as factory and office premises on regular basis.
Frequent communication by our Senior members with employees and their families has helped us a lot for their motivation.

How are you helping the Local/State/Centre Administration to cope with this worst situation by supplyof Equipment’s and Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO).
We are in constant touch with all administrative officials, understanding their requirement and helping them install the system and educate how to use them at their hospitals.
Our Parent Company INOX Air Products Limited (IAPL) with the help of INOX India is working 24×7 to deliver Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO) to hospitals.
With the help of State/Central Government we could start “Oxygen Express” and ship oxygen tankers by rail.

With the help of Indian Air Force, we could air lift the oxygen tanks and supply to various states in shortest possible time.

What are your future plans?
The Company has planned substantial Capex for FY 2021. The major capacity expansion will take place in Micro bulk/Storage Tanks/Transport Equipment’s and Cryo-biological products.
INOX India has planned to develop special Cryogenic Equipment’s and Systems for hospitals, food and pharma sectors.