Flux-cored arc welding is one of the popular ways for performing the fabrication process


Flux-cored arc welding is one of the popular ways for performing the fabrication process, it is a semi-automatic process and can be used with or without shield gas which makes this process more welder friendly. It is well-known fact between the welder’s community that D&H Secheron does not compromise with the quality and bound for technological developments. These things became a key reason for us to introduce three new stainless steel products that will give the best in-call smoothness in extreme temperatures. 

  1. Maxfil-309LMo (E309LMoT1-1) is an all-position SS flux-cored wire with low carbon content used to join SS to carbon and low alloy steels for service below 600°C. The wire has a smooth and stable arc with good slag detachability which provides excellent radiographic quality weld.
  2. Maxfil-308H (E308HT1-1) is designed for optimum performance with 100% CO2 gas shielding. It provides satisfactory results with flat & horizontal position The weld metal is of radiographic quality and resistant to cracking.
  3. Maxfil-347 (E347T1-1) wire designed for optimum performance with 100% CO2 gas shielding. The weld metal is 19.5Cr-10Ni with Nb&Ta added as a stabilizer. Maxfil-347 is designed for welding of similar composition steels like AISI 304, 304L, 321, 347 type and their equivalents with excellent weld-ability.

For More Info:
Dr. T. J. Prasadarao
Email: tjprao@dnhsecheron.net
Tel: +91 9685091114