Electronic position indicators: new wireless system


DD52R-E-RF Electronic position indicators, data transmission by radio frequency

The new wireless spindle positioning system, designed for an efficient manual spindle positioning, consists of UC-RF control unit and, up to 36electronic position indicators DD52R-E-RF (Elesa Patent).
Most often, machine setup is performed manually by means of traditional mechanical indicators coupled with hand wheels or crank handles, following a specific list of set-up parameters.
The new electronic position indicators DD52R-E-RF are networked, to UC-RF control unit via radio frequency (RF). The PLC, connected to the UC-RF control unit, allows the remote monitoring of the indicators.
This system is particularly suitable for applications that require frequent format changes, facilitating the correct adjustment of the target/current position of the machine parts, also representing a safety system. PLC can be programmed in order not to allow the machine to start the production cycle, thus avoiding production issues.
The installation of the system is quick and easy as it does not require any cable connections between the indicators and the control unit or the PLC.
Thanks to the available functions and to the programmable parameters, one item only can be used for many applications including all shaft pitch variations, direction of rotation and unit of measure.

  • 6-digit display ensures excellent readability even from a distanceand from different viewing angles.
  • High protection degree IP65 or IP67 for applications that requirefrequent washing, even with intense water jets.
  • Corrosion resistance: AISI 304 stainless steel boss with Ø 20mm.
  • Long battery life: over 3 years.

For More Info:
Elesa and Ganter India Pvt. Ltd.
Tel: +91-120-4726666
Email: info@elesaganter-india.com