X3 MIG WELDER – Tough and Reliable


Ilhar Ul Hassan M S, Solution Engineer,
Kemppi India Pvt Ltd

X3 MIG Welder is a tough and reliable inverter-based MIG/MAG welding machine from Kemppi, the Finnish manufacturer of quality welding equipment.Kemppi’sIGBT inverter technologyreduces energy costs and brings profitability.Its delivers outstanding arc stability and weld quality with a gain in productivityby bringing down spatter levels which write off the post weld grinding operation. This is achieved even with inexpensive CO2 shielding gas.
X3 MIG welder power source comes in two power levels, 400A and 500Awith a rated   duty cycle of 60%. At 100% duty cycle they deliver 310A and 390A respectively. Both the models support carbon arc gouging.Euro torch connectable X3 wire feedersare durable and ensure undisturbed and consistent wire feeding. WF300 wire feeder is a closed feeder protecting both wire feed mechanism and wire spool while F10is an open type feeder. Kemppi gas-cooled welding torch available in different length can be selected as per the requirement.WF300 andF10 wire feederscan accommodatea wire spool of maximum 300mm diameter.It accepts a wide range of filler wire diameters from 0.8 to 1.6 mm for solid and cored wire.

Control Panels

  • Power Source (b) WF 300  (c) F10

The user interface is designed for quick and easy setting. X3 power source has a large back lit LCD display that clearly presents the pre-set wire feed speed and welding voltage parameters. The control panel in wire feeder offers precise adjustment for voltage and wire feed speed. Wire inch function isalso included as standard in the panel. In the power source a 110-volt auxiliary voltage supply is available for CO2 shielding gas heater. The ergonomically positioned handles and light weight make it easily portable.Optional wheel sets and undercarriage available further facilitate the transfer of the machine.

Optimum arc dynamics can be setsimplyby the press of a button in the power source for Argon/CO2 mixture gas or pure CO2, ensuring you get the best welding characteristics for the shielding gas used. Other functions included are crater fill, creep start, burn back, panel locking, hard ignition, hot stop, pre-gas and post gas.Creep Startfunction prevents disturbances at the start of the weld by slowing down the wire feed speed just before the arc ignites. Burn Backfunction prevents filler wire from sticking to the work piece at the end of weld, making it easier to continue welding. Hard Ignition makes the arc ignition stronger by increasing welding voltage at the start of the weld and Hot Stopfunction makes tack welding easier and faster. Panel lock feature allows locking of the all welding parameters ensuring consistent welding throughout the production.
X3 MIG Welder is a set of high-quality welding equipment that you can rely on even in the toughest situations. When working in tough conditions at a construction site, shipyard, metal fabrication workshop, or doing maintenance welding on a pipeline site in extreme temperatures, you need a companion that you can fully trust on.X3 MIG Welder is surely a trustworthy partner for a serious welder.
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