CDDP-A – Production Ready Fine-Spot Welder


Sunstone’s advanced dual pulse CD welders offer many capabilities including weld monitoring, SPC tools, and a large capacitive touch-screen interface. The touch-screen interface provides easy access to all weld parameters. In addition, you get a visual of the weld waveform graph, weld histograms, alarms, warnings, and even on-screen documents and videos. For automated production settings, the welder has multiple PLC protocols. You can also set up multiple machines in a simplified way thanks to the clone feature. Cloning allows you to copy all your parameters/settings and easily export/import them to other machines.
Capacitive Discharge (CD) resistance welders have many advantages over other welder types. Since CD welders use capacitors to store and release weld energy, your weld energy will be highly repeatable and will not be affected by line voltage fluctuations. You can also achieve quick energy release for welding highly conductive metals such as copper. This quick energy release is concentrated into a small area, generating only a small heat signature or heat affected zone.
For More Info:
Tel: +1-(801)-658-0015
Fax: 866.701.1209